Digital skills

We will incorporate, promote and harness the individual digital skills of our members.
Within this set of objectives, the University of Bonn sees diversity—all the different possibilities and experience that different people bring—as an opportunity to shape the digital transformation together with them and their various areas of potential, characters, backgrounds and makeups.
The structure of the Digital Science Center (DiCe) will ensure opportunities for active participation and spaces for discussion in the associated processes of change brought about not least by DiCe’s own projects.
IT specialists
Before starting a new project, the need for additional IT and other specialized skills is analyzed and necessary hirings are pursued early on. A targeted long-term planning of staffing needs will furthermore provide a firm foundation for training, recruitment and HR development, including of IT staff.
Exceptional early-career researchers
The University of Bonn sees itself as a place where new knowledge is created, shared and rendered usable in order to train exceptional early-career researchers for the digital world in which each will be living and working—a world that is constantly changing—particularly with regard to the issues of internationality and interdisciplinarity.
The University is also helping its subject teams to develop digitally aided teaching and learning formats in order to empower their students to act with confidence in a rapidly changing, increasingly interconnected world within their subject and based on their individual interests and areas of potential
High-performance Computing
The activities being undertaken to use high-performance computers in an academic and scientific context form one key element of this. These activities are supporting efforts to build researchers’ skills in using the HPC systems through specific training and consulting concepts.
Virtual collaboration
The University-wide ViCo project aims to create teaching and learning settings that promote virtual collaboration in an academic and scientific context.
AI skills
The BNTrAinee project is designed to teach AI skills to students of all subjects
Details of other sets of objectives
Organizational structure
We will develop and transform our organizational structures in order to leverage the potential offered by digital work, learning and research.
New spaces for encounters
We will create new spaces for virtual and in-person encounters, interaction and collaboration at the University.
New areas in research and teaching
We will use digital methods to open up new areas in research and teaching and will be exploring academic and scientific questions posed by digitalization.