New spaces for encounters

We will create new spaces for virtual and in-person encounters, interaction and collaboration at the University.
Personal communication
This set of objectives centers on the change—itself connected to the digital transformation—in how we meet, communicate and interact with one another. The University of Bonn sees itself as a university in the traditional sense, i.e. one where teaching is done on site, and values the rooms and buildings where learning happens as a place for encounters, identification and socialization. These physical spaces for encounters will also need to be constantly re-envisioned in light of new digital forms of communication.
Forms of interaction
These physical spaces for encounters will also need to be constantly re-envisioned in light of new digital forms of communication.
After setting up a Media Center in 2022, the Bonn University and State Library is also expanding the spaces that it offers for in-person and hybrid forms of interaction. Digital technologies are opening up new and wide-ranging possibilities for communication and interaction, not least in terms of collaborating free of space or time constraints, participation and international networking.
In order to add value in a targeted way, the Videoconferencing project is developing a long-term concept for rolling videoconferencing services out across the board in teaching and research as well as for administrative matters.
Lessons learned from the pandemic
People’s multifarious experiences of the abrupt switch to digital-only teaching and learning formats that was prompted by the pandemic have been recorded in University-wide student surveys, which are being analyzed with an eye on specific measures to ensure the quality of both digital and hybrid encounters.
New and improved digital collaboration between students is made possible by our ViCo project. A number of virtual teaching/learning environments are explored in the context of specific courses, both taught digitally and in person.
Details of other sets of objectives
Digital skills
We will incorporate, promote and harness the individual digital skills of our members.
New areas in research and teaching
We will use digital methods to open up new areas in research and teaching and will be exploring academic and scientific questions posed by digitalization.
Knowledge transfer and society
We will change how knowledge and skills are transferred between ourselves and society as it undergoes its digital transformation.